I am feeling rather reflective today.
People are very angry about what happened with Cecil the lion and understandably so.
For me, it is not only about this beautiful lion but with all our wild and domesticated animal friends whether they live on land, fly in the air or swim in the sea.
I thank God for all those people who are out there who are trying to protect, ensure good living conditions and educate people about the plight of animals.
There is a mass extinction happening right in front of eyes and yet with all our sophisticated technology, we do nothing except yell and scream obscenities over the internet. To be honest with you, this does nothing to help our animal friends.
All this anger just creates more anger which in turn does nothing to help. The animals and their cause gets lost in the background.
All of us can make a difference in an animal's life. Buy no animal testing products.
Support an animal organization that makes a difference in your neck of the world or abroad.I do not eat rammen noodles anymore because of the palm oil which contributes to the loss of habitat for orangutans. If you hunt, hunt responsibly. Do you really need the trophy head on your wall. MOST of all, educate your children about respect to all animals. It is not JUST a chicken, pig, cat or dog. Each animal has it's importance on this planet of ours.
Do your part and make a difference.
Here's to you Cecil and all the animals. Thank you!.
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
We Can Make a Difference for Animals! But How?
Help! How do I Get off this Ride?
Nothing like unemployment time to help you find perspective.
Think of this image of the Great Wheel in Seattle as a big giant hamster wheel in our own cage of life. We are running around in circles going around and around but going no where. We are going from our jobs to our families and then to bed wishing we had more time. The truth is, we will never have enough time or is it?
So far in this 4 months of free time, I have learned that time STILL goes by quickly.
There is always something to do, someone to visit or somewhere to go. The question really is HOW do I use the time that I have?
As an artist, I now realize that God has given me a gift. God has given me the gift of time to reflect on which direction to go with my life and passion. Prior to this, I was too busy paying my bills and working my job to see the truth. I was living in fear.
Now that I am actually not working, I have learned that my world is not falling apart.
I am learning that I want to have a life of purpose and meaning. I am connecting with friends that I love and appreciate even more.
I want to take classes to get better with my craft of photography and take business classes to help me get my work out there. I now realize that in order for more people to see my work, I have to put my work out there for people to see.
I love to travel and explore so I am finding out about travel tours to be able to do that.
My first gift to myself will be to go to my whale watching tour in September. This has been part of my living list for a long time. I want to connect with these beautiful giants and hang out with them.
Use your time wisely. Do what you need to do but put some time for yourself to enjoy your passions. It is not selfish but necessary. You will be a happier person and it will open doors that you didn't dream of.
Happy Tuesday everyone!
Think of this image of the Great Wheel in Seattle as a big giant hamster wheel in our own cage of life. We are running around in circles going around and around but going no where. We are going from our jobs to our families and then to bed wishing we had more time. The truth is, we will never have enough time or is it?
So far in this 4 months of free time, I have learned that time STILL goes by quickly.
There is always something to do, someone to visit or somewhere to go. The question really is HOW do I use the time that I have?
As an artist, I now realize that God has given me a gift. God has given me the gift of time to reflect on which direction to go with my life and passion. Prior to this, I was too busy paying my bills and working my job to see the truth. I was living in fear.
Now that I am actually not working, I have learned that my world is not falling apart.
I am learning that I want to have a life of purpose and meaning. I am connecting with friends that I love and appreciate even more.
I want to take classes to get better with my craft of photography and take business classes to help me get my work out there. I now realize that in order for more people to see my work, I have to put my work out there for people to see.
I love to travel and explore so I am finding out about travel tours to be able to do that.
My first gift to myself will be to go to my whale watching tour in September. This has been part of my living list for a long time. I want to connect with these beautiful giants and hang out with them.
Use your time wisely. Do what you need to do but put some time for yourself to enjoy your passions. It is not selfish but necessary. You will be a happier person and it will open doors that you didn't dream of.
Happy Tuesday everyone!
Life Lessons,
new beginnings,
Seattle, WA, USA
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Facing the Fear 2 Find the Faith.
Fear and Faith.
The only thing they have in common is the letter F.
One of them restricts and paralyzes you while the other has no restriction or boundaries.
I did an exercise in You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L. Hay. Who understands more about the mind, body and spirit connection more than her? I thought it was time to go back to the basics to see how well I understood and applied this philosophy in my everyday life.
My first assignment was to make a list of 5 or 6 ways to finish this sentence: I Should
My list was as follows: I Should take better care of myself.
I Should photograph more.
I should be doing what I love to do.
You get the gist of this. Now, you read what you wrote and ask the question 'Why' after it. The answers allow you to understand what your beliefs and limitations are. Louise goes on to say "You see, I believe that should is one of the most damaging words in our language. Every time we use should we are in effect say "wrong". Either we are wrong or we were wrong or we are going to be wrong. I don't think we need more wrongs in our life. I would like to take the 'SHOULD and replace it with the word COULD. Could give us a choice and we are never wrong." Now, lets reread our list again but with this at the beginning of each sentence: "If I really wanted to, I could...........". This puts a whole new light on the subject. Now, I can ask the question "Why haven't I?" As I look at my list because there were more than the 3 you see up here. All of my answers came from FEAR. Yes, fear. I was my worst enemy. I was the limitation that was hindering me from my full potential. Amazing how powerful words are.
I went to a church that I never went to and the sermon was about Faith. What do we put our 'faith' in?
Faith in money? Faith in the newest gadgets? Faith in our government? Where is the faith in God? Have we lost it? The lessons that we learn in life are never easy and sometimes, down right painful. I have had friends that have lost their husband or a parent. I have friends who are dealing with health issues. It is hard to have faith during these times.
Fear can make you want to run away and not face it. I realize that I have not been taking care of myself and it is time to face the fear. I want to be able to do all the things that I want to do but I can't do it if I don't take care of myself. I have to be healthy in mind, body and spirit. All 3 are connected.
I went to a Naturopathic Doctor today. Some news, not so good but others are fine. The point is that it can get better but it won't if I don't take the necessary steps to change them. It is a lifestyle change. I knew I was at the right Doctor when I saw her Tree of Life art on the wall. We are working as a team to get me where I need to be. With her knowledge and following her guidance, I will be just fine.
Face the fear and put your faith in God. The Divine will guide you where you need to go. Also remember the word patience. It takes time to get where you're going. Enjoy and learn from your journey so you can help others.
The only thing they have in common is the letter F.
One of them restricts and paralyzes you while the other has no restriction or boundaries.
I did an exercise in You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L. Hay. Who understands more about the mind, body and spirit connection more than her? I thought it was time to go back to the basics to see how well I understood and applied this philosophy in my everyday life.
My first assignment was to make a list of 5 or 6 ways to finish this sentence: I Should
My list was as follows: I Should take better care of myself.
I Should photograph more.
I should be doing what I love to do.
You get the gist of this. Now, you read what you wrote and ask the question 'Why' after it. The answers allow you to understand what your beliefs and limitations are. Louise goes on to say "You see, I believe that should is one of the most damaging words in our language. Every time we use should we are in effect say "wrong". Either we are wrong or we were wrong or we are going to be wrong. I don't think we need more wrongs in our life. I would like to take the 'SHOULD and replace it with the word COULD. Could give us a choice and we are never wrong." Now, lets reread our list again but with this at the beginning of each sentence: "If I really wanted to, I could...........". This puts a whole new light on the subject. Now, I can ask the question "Why haven't I?" As I look at my list because there were more than the 3 you see up here. All of my answers came from FEAR. Yes, fear. I was my worst enemy. I was the limitation that was hindering me from my full potential. Amazing how powerful words are.
I went to a church that I never went to and the sermon was about Faith. What do we put our 'faith' in?
Faith in money? Faith in the newest gadgets? Faith in our government? Where is the faith in God? Have we lost it? The lessons that we learn in life are never easy and sometimes, down right painful. I have had friends that have lost their husband or a parent. I have friends who are dealing with health issues. It is hard to have faith during these times.
Fear can make you want to run away and not face it. I realize that I have not been taking care of myself and it is time to face the fear. I want to be able to do all the things that I want to do but I can't do it if I don't take care of myself. I have to be healthy in mind, body and spirit. All 3 are connected.
I went to a Naturopathic Doctor today. Some news, not so good but others are fine. The point is that it can get better but it won't if I don't take the necessary steps to change them. It is a lifestyle change. I knew I was at the right Doctor when I saw her Tree of Life art on the wall. We are working as a team to get me where I need to be. With her knowledge and following her guidance, I will be just fine.
Face the fear and put your faith in God. The Divine will guide you where you need to go. Also remember the word patience. It takes time to get where you're going. Enjoy and learn from your journey so you can help others.
Life Lessons,
Thursday, February 19, 2015
The Animals at the Zoo are not Always the Animals at the Zoo
"Carol, even animals in captivity need our support and love." Kathleen Shelton
Going to the Zoo should be a fun and educational experience. I know that the Zoo is not an ideal or natural way for the animals to live but it is an easier way to see, photograph and connect with the animals in my neck of the world that are not naturally in my neck of the woods. I love to say hi to my animal friends and hang out with them.
Whenever I go to the Zoo, I always hope that there are not many people there and I was not disappointed.
Why do I say that? The less people, the less distraction for me and the animals. To get that one special shot, one has to wait patiently. I want to photograph the animal's essence as much as I can even though it is not in it's natural element. I also love to hang out with the animal and observe them. It fills me with a sense of wonder.
I was lucky on this particular day indeed. There were 2 Cheetahs resting by the window gazing out. I sat beside them and spent some time photographing them. 1 of the Cheetahs looked right into my eyes. The expression on the Cheetah's face reminded me of my cat Chance who always gives me this particular look.
My heart melted and it reiterated the connection that we have with the animal world. I was blessed to have these moments with these beautiful big cats.
People need to understand that when you are at the Zoo be respectful of the animals. They did not volunteer to live there. They are not living in their natural environment. They are living in a enclosed area where they usually go around and around in circles trying to keep themselves occupied. On top of that, there are people tapping on the windows, yelling at them. Some are even calling them stupid and ugly. I have seen this time and time again. It is up to parents to teach their children Zoo etiquette. Each animal has it's place in the circle of life. How would you like that to happen in your own home?
Animals are a wonder and delight. They can teach us about ourselves. Whether they live on the farm, the zoo or out in the wild, isn't it time that we give animals the respect they deserve? They are not a commodity.
They were not created just for us. Each and every animal has it's purpose on this planet, not just
Going to the Zoo should be a fun and educational experience. I know that the Zoo is not an ideal or natural way for the animals to live but it is an easier way to see, photograph and connect with the animals in my neck of the world that are not naturally in my neck of the woods. I love to say hi to my animal friends and hang out with them.
Whenever I go to the Zoo, I always hope that there are not many people there and I was not disappointed.
Why do I say that? The less people, the less distraction for me and the animals. To get that one special shot, one has to wait patiently. I want to photograph the animal's essence as much as I can even though it is not in it's natural element. I also love to hang out with the animal and observe them. It fills me with a sense of wonder.
I was lucky on this particular day indeed. There were 2 Cheetahs resting by the window gazing out. I sat beside them and spent some time photographing them. 1 of the Cheetahs looked right into my eyes. The expression on the Cheetah's face reminded me of my cat Chance who always gives me this particular look.
My heart melted and it reiterated the connection that we have with the animal world. I was blessed to have these moments with these beautiful big cats.
I heard the sound of adults with their children and I knew that my time was up. I always say thank you to the animal that I was able to photograph and spend time with. I got up so the children could experience what I was so blessed to have witnessed. A little boy had his toy car and threw it against the window where the Cheetahs rested. This action and sound startled the Cheetahs which made them jump. My mouth has a mouth of it's own and told the little boy that we do not throw cars at the window of where the animals live. I must admit that I was shocked by the action of this child but I have seen teenagers do the same thing with their hands banging against the window. All I can say is that they were all lucky to have a piece of glass between them.
People need to understand that when you are at the Zoo be respectful of the animals. They did not volunteer to live there. They are not living in their natural environment. They are living in a enclosed area where they usually go around and around in circles trying to keep themselves occupied. On top of that, there are people tapping on the windows, yelling at them. Some are even calling them stupid and ugly. I have seen this time and time again. It is up to parents to teach their children Zoo etiquette. Each animal has it's place in the circle of life. How would you like that to happen in your own home?
Animals are a wonder and delight. They can teach us about ourselves. Whether they live on the farm, the zoo or out in the wild, isn't it time that we give animals the respect they deserve? They are not a commodity.
They were not created just for us. Each and every animal has it's purpose on this planet, not just
the cute and fuzzy ones but ALL animals. Let us give them ALL the love and respect that they deserve.
Friday, February 6, 2015
Girl Gone Green. The Guide to Compassionate and Conscious Living
"How many times have humans wailed in their own darkness over the horror of wars, over the the inhumanity of humanity over the fate of nations? How many times have we heard "How can God allow this to happen?" when the real question ought to be "How can we not recognize our own role, our own responsibility?"
The Messengers (A True Story of Angelic Presence and the Return to the Age of Miracles)
Julia Ingram and G.W. Hardin
When I read this sentence, it resonated within me in a very profound way. This simple question made me look at how I contributed to the world around me.
As I look at my life, I realize for a very long time I was unaware of the world around me. Funny statement I know, coming from a military background.
There is a saying that if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. Girl Gone Green is really a story about myself. When I lived in Texas, I did not realize how many problems our planet was facing. I did not know about climate change, animals and humans living conditions. Not that I didn't care but didn't realize how serious it was.
Symposium - Pachamama Alliance | Pachamama Alliance educated me to the world around me.
I would recommend this to anyone. It will open your eyes and heart to the world around you. It will show you how the choices you make effects someone else in a different part of the world. Thus the ripple effect.
You will start to see the connection that effects everyone and everything on this planet.
Apathy is the enemy. We are have more power than we can imagine. We can make a difference but it has to start from within.
Being Green is a way of life It is about being compassionate and conscious of our simple decisions that we make everyday. It is not expensive that is a myth. There are different budgets for everyone.
I am not trying to change anyone, but show people what is going on in our world. What you will take from it you will. I am simply trying to be part of the solution.
I want to hear from you. Let us work together to make the world a better place. Let us set the example of how we should be. Someone is looking and learning from us.
Check us out on www.facebook.com/pages/Girl-Gone-Green-A-Guide-to-Compassionate-and-Conscious-Living/552569908179131
The Messengers (A True Story of Angelic Presence and the Return to the Age of Miracles)
Julia Ingram and G.W. Hardin
When I read this sentence, it resonated within me in a very profound way. This simple question made me look at how I contributed to the world around me.
As I look at my life, I realize for a very long time I was unaware of the world around me. Funny statement I know, coming from a military background.
There is a saying that if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. Girl Gone Green is really a story about myself. When I lived in Texas, I did not realize how many problems our planet was facing. I did not know about climate change, animals and humans living conditions. Not that I didn't care but didn't realize how serious it was.
Symposium - Pachamama Alliance | Pachamama Alliance educated me to the world around me.
I would recommend this to anyone. It will open your eyes and heart to the world around you. It will show you how the choices you make effects someone else in a different part of the world. Thus the ripple effect.
You will start to see the connection that effects everyone and everything on this planet.
Apathy is the enemy. We are have more power than we can imagine. We can make a difference but it has to start from within.
Being Green is a way of life It is about being compassionate and conscious of our simple decisions that we make everyday. It is not expensive that is a myth. There are different budgets for everyone.
I am not trying to change anyone, but show people what is going on in our world. What you will take from it you will. I am simply trying to be part of the solution.
I want to hear from you. Let us work together to make the world a better place. Let us set the example of how we should be. Someone is looking and learning from us.
Check us out on www.facebook.com/pages/Girl-Gone-Green-A-Guide-to-Compassionate-and-Conscious-Living/552569908179131
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