Friday, February 6, 2015

Girl Gone Green. The Guide to Compassionate and Conscious Living

"How many times have humans wailed in their own darkness over the horror of wars, over the the inhumanity of humanity over the fate of nations?  How many times have we heard "How can God allow this to happen?" when the real question ought to be "How can we not recognize our own role, our own responsibility?"
The Messengers (A True Story of Angelic Presence and the Return to the Age of Miracles)
Julia Ingram and G.W. Hardin

When I read this sentence, it resonated within me in a very profound way.  This simple question made me look at how I contributed to the world around me.
As I look at my life, I realize for a very long time I was unaware of the world around me.  Funny statement I know, coming from a military background.
There is a saying that if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.   Girl Gone Green is really a story about myself.  When I lived in Texas, I did not realize how many problems our planet was facing.  I did not know about climate change, animals and humans living conditions.  Not that I didn't care but didn't realize how serious it was.
 Symposium - Pachamama Alliance | Pachamama Alliance educated me to the world around me.
I would recommend this to anyone.  It will open your eyes and heart to the world around you.   It will show you how the choices you make effects someone else in a different part of the world.  Thus the ripple effect.
You will start to see the connection that effects everyone and everything on this planet.
Apathy is the enemy.  We are have more power than we can imagine.   We can make a difference but it has to start from within.
Being Green is a way of life  It is about being compassionate and conscious of our simple decisions that we make everyday.  It is not expensive that is a myth.   There are different budgets for everyone.
I am not trying to change anyone, but show people what is going on in our world.   What you will take from it you will.  I am simply trying to be part of the solution.
I want to hear from you.  Let us work together to make the world a better place.  Let us set the example of how we should be.  Someone is looking and learning from us.
Check us out on

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