'Tis the season' where Hell seems to break loose. Stores start showing all that you can buy in October and last till the very last day of December 24th. People are rushing trying to buy that perfect Christmas dinner or have those perfect gifts for their loved ones. Some people get upset whether you say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays. Can we just say STOP?
I for one love the Holidays. I love to see all the colorful lights and hear all my favorite Christmas Carols. I enjoy seeing all the different religions celebrating their traditions. Then what is the problem?
Did we forget along the way what the Holidays are really all about if we just take the time to look?
It is a very simple answer really, it is about Love.
The Holiday season is about giving love and showing kindness to the people that are all around us, especially to the ones we do not know
I for one, do not follow a particular religion. I believe that God is in everyone and everything. I know in my heart spiritual truth when I hear or read it. It doesn't matter where the spiritual truth comes from because God is there.
We need to reconnect to what is true. We are more concerned with the commercialism during the Holidays. I do not know why, but people become more stressed and rude during this time. What should be a joyous time becomes a chore.
What I want to tell all of you, is to enjoy your special day with the people you love. Look at all the blessings that are all around you and be grateful. Be kind to people you don't know. Respect the planet and all that live on her, Teach your children to do the same. Remember, this is something that should be done everyday, not just one day out of the year.
Because of God's love for each and everyone of us, all of this is possible.
Happy Holidays and God bless~
“God Through Anne Terri With The Holy Spirit: This gave Anne chills, for on Christmas 2013 , Apostle Juliet, Anne's Daughter who works in a Mart store, shared the same sentiments. God Through Apostle Juliet Faith- What Has Christmas Become?
ReplyDeleteRead more: http://godslivingbible.proboards.com/thread/1353/god-apostle-juliet-faith-christmas?page=1#ixzz3N6jjxGOZ
It seems that Juliette's daughter and I shared alot of the same sentiments. I really liked her one comment on how people teach their children about Santa Claus but not about God. That really touched me on many levels....I hope that I will be done with this retail soon.