Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Facing the Fear 2 Find the Faith.

Fear and Faith.
The only thing they have in common is the letter F.
One of them restricts and paralyzes you while the other has no restriction or boundaries.

I did an exercise in You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L. Hay.   Who understands more about the mind, body and spirit connection more than her?   I thought it was time to go back to the basics to see how well I understood and applied this philosophy in my everyday life.

My first assignment was to make a list of 5 or 6 ways to finish this sentence:   I Should
My list was as follows:  I Should take better care of myself.
                                    I Should photograph more.
                                    I should be doing what I love to do.
You get the gist of this.   Now, you read what you wrote and ask the question 'Why' after it.   The answers allow you to understand what your beliefs and limitations are.  Louise goes on to say "You see, I believe that should is one of the most damaging words in our language.  Every time we use should we are in effect say "wrong".  Either we are wrong or we were wrong or we are going to be wrong.  I don't think we need more wrongs in our life.  I would like to take the 'SHOULD and replace it with the word COULD.  Could give us a choice and we are never wrong."  Now, lets reread our list again but with this at the beginning of each sentence:  "If I really wanted to, I could...........".  This puts a whole new light on the subject.  Now, I can ask the question "Why haven't I?"   As I look at my list because there were more than the 3 you see up here.  All of my answers came from FEAR.   Yes, fear.  I was my worst enemy.  I was the limitation that was hindering me from my full potential.  Amazing how powerful words are.

I went to a church that I never went to and the sermon was about Faith.   What do we put our 'faith' in?
Faith in money? Faith in the newest gadgets?  Faith in our government?  Where is the faith in God?  Have we lost it?  The lessons that we learn in life are never easy and sometimes, down right painful.  I have had friends that have lost their husband or a parent.  I have friends who are dealing with health issues.  It is hard to have faith during these times.

Fear can make you want to run away and not face it.  I realize that I have not been taking care of myself and it is time to face the fear.  I want to be able to do all the things that I want to do but I can't do it if I don't take care of myself.  I have to be healthy in mind, body and spirit.  All 3 are connected.

I went to a Naturopathic Doctor today.  Some news, not so good but others are fine.  The point is that it can get  better but it won't if I don't take the necessary steps to change them.   It is a lifestyle change.  I knew I was at the right Doctor when I saw her Tree of Life art on the wall.   We are working as a team to get me where I need to be.  With her knowledge and following her guidance, I will be just fine.

Face the fear and put your faith in God.  The Divine will guide you where you need to go.  Also remember the word patience.  It takes time to get where you're going.  Enjoy and learn from your journey so you can help others.

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