Tuesday, August 4, 2015

We Can Make a Difference for Animals! But How?

I am feeling rather reflective today.
People are very angry about what happened with Cecil the lion and understandably so. 
For me, it is not only about this beautiful lion but with all our wild and domesticated animal friends whether they live on land, fly in the air or swim in the sea.
I thank God for all those people who are out there who are trying to protect, ensure good living conditions and educate people about the plight of animals.
There is a mass extinction happening right in front of eyes and yet with all our sophisticated technology, we do nothing except yell and scream obscenities over the internet. To be honest with you, this does nothing to help our animal friends.
All this anger just creates more anger which in turn does nothing to help. The animals and their cause gets lost in the background.
All of us can make a difference in an animal's life. Buy no animal testing products.
Support an animal organization that makes a difference in your neck of the world or abroad.I do not eat rammen noodles anymore because of the palm oil which contributes to the loss of habitat for orangutans. If you hunt, hunt responsibly. Do you really need the trophy head on your wall. MOST of all, educate your children about respect to all animals. It is not JUST a chicken, pig, cat or dog. Each animal has it's importance on this planet of ours.
Do your part and make a difference.
Here's to you Cecil and all the animals. Thank you!.

Help! How do I Get off this Ride?

Nothing like unemployment time to help you find perspective.
Think of this image of the Great Wheel in Seattle as a big giant hamster wheel in our own cage of life. We are running around in circles going around and around but going no where. We are going from our jobs to our families and then to bed wishing we had more time. The truth is, we will never have enough time or is it?
So far in this 4 months of free time, I have learned that time STILL goes by quickly.
There is always something to do, someone to visit or somewhere to go. The question really is HOW do I use the time that I have?
As an artist, I now realize that God has given me a gift. God has given me the gift of time to reflect on which direction to go with my life and passion. Prior to this, I was too busy paying my bills and working my job to see the truth. I was living in fear.
Now that I am actually not working, I have learned that my world is not falling apart.
I am learning that I want to have a life of purpose and meaning. I am connecting with friends that I love and appreciate even more.
I want to take classes to get better with my craft of photography and take business classes to help me get my work out there. I now realize that in order for more people to see my work, I have to put my work out there for people to see.
I love to travel and explore so I am finding out about travel tours to be able to do that.
My first gift to myself will be to go to my whale watching tour in September. This has been part of my living list for a long time. I want to connect with these beautiful giants and hang out with them.
Use your time wisely. Do what you need to do but put some time for yourself to enjoy your passions. It is not selfish but necessary. You will be a happier person and it will open doors that you didn't dream of.
Happy Tuesday everyone!